Under /Contruction

Under /Contruction
OOOPS! We are under construction, check back soon!!



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thank a Veteran Today

The Staff of EarRidiculous Earrings would like to thank the Service Men and Women who have risked their lives for our freedom We salute you and thank you for defending our country.

Photo Via National Association of Black Veterans

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

NEW Hair Love Earrings

        Natural, Relaxed, Loc'd? Doesn't matter... Rock our new "Hair Love" earrings  to express how much you heart your tresses!!            Get yours HERE

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Black Girls Rock

KeKe Palmer is a Black Girl who Rocks! She is such a beautiful and respectable young lady!!

Get yours here

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Click Here to Shop


Hurry over to the online Boutique and take advantage of our $7 and $9 specials!!! Go Go Goooooo!!!

Christmas Wish List

Just pure Chocolate goodness! I will take one of these with a pretty bow up under my Christmas tree this year! Please and thank you:-)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

EarRidiculous interview at Naturallykira.blogspot.com

Naturally Kira

Naturally Kira

Linked From Here

Friday, July 16, 2010

Feature Friday: EarRidiculous Earrings

Hola Chicas!!!!!!!!

As promised here we are w/ our very first Feature Friday. Today we focus on an up & coming accessories company EarRidiculous Earrings Check out the interview below....

Naturally Yours (NY):     Tell us a little bit about yourself and your company EarRidiculous Earrings

EarRidiculous (ER): I'm never prepared to talk about myself. Talking about my business is easy though, LOL. I am a NC native, born and raised. I LOVE GOD, my family, friends and ALL things pertaining to helping us as a people LOVE the skin we are in. My sister , Charlsea is my BEST FRIEND and together she and I own EarRidiculous Earrings. EarRidiculous is an accessories company that specializes in trendsetting, fashion forward earrings that gives a unique flair to every bold Fashionista, Naturalista, or just the woman who "Dares 2 B FLY".

NY: When did you start your business?

ER: December 2009

NY: EarRidiculous (ER) is an interesting name. How did you come up with it?

ER: Well, our designs are unique. We love color and wanted to create pieces that the abstract shopper would fall in love with.  It’s not mundane, but funky and chic. We didn’t want to overly match colors. We love the idea of rocking colors that don’t necessarily match  but rather choose contrast colors that would make for great conversation pieces .Something that really doesn’t make sense …sounds a bit ridiculous (EarRidiculous), right?  That’s how our name came to be EarRidiculous!

NY: Where are you based?

ER: Raleigh,NC

NY: Do you design and make your own jewelry?

ER: Absolutely, every piece is handmade; we also design custom pieces as well.

NY: What is your inspiration when creating your products?

ER: The inspiration comes from being tired of the same type of accessories you can find in large retail stores, but rather wanting something with a little more individual flair. Pieces you may not see on every other person around you. So when designing our work we have in mind the fashion forward woman, who dares to step outside  the box.  We also wanted to design pieces with the natural hair, and transitioning woman in mind.. I like to think that our earrings are mini works of art: pieces that reflect self expression..  Whether she is rocking a trendy pair of stilettos with a blow out  or a sassy pair of flats with her curls nicely defined; she will be FLY  no matter what with a pair of our earrings

NY: Besides your website, www.earridiculous.com what other ways do u get your name out there?

ER: Word of mouth! Word of mouth! Word of mouth! We have received so much love from women who see our work on customers and they tell someone one, and then they tell the next person..etc..  Social media has also been a great tool as well . Our facebook page boasts over 2,000 friends and we now have a twitter account. We participate in natural hair expos and other events that offer vending opportunities.  We are now in the process of planning an upcoming launch party, so look out for EarRidiculous!

NY: If u had to pick 1 word to be synonymous with ER what would it be? Why?

ER: Oh that’s easy! FAVORED! Yes, EarRidiculous is FAVORED. In such a short time this business has taken on a life of its own. There is no way we could have experienced the amount of success we have without the favor of GOD resting on this business. We are truly grateful.

Make sure to check out Chandra and Charlsea on the web at www.earridiculous.com and www.facebook.com/earridiculous

That's all for today's Feature Friday....until next time stay flyy and be blessed chicas!!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hand Crafted Unique Jewelry